
-- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free -- -- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free. -- --

Friday 8 April 2011

The Dangers of Fluoride in Drinking Water - Fluoride Has an Ugly and Sickening Past

Written By: Third Eye
Almost everyone in North America drinks Water, but not many realize what they are drinking every time they take a sip of “Water”. Fluoride was originally added to most major cities in the 1950’s and 1960’s as a method to reduce tooth decay. But we can ask: “Why would the government of a particular country be concerned with minor tooth decay in a small amount of it’s citizens?”  The answer is: They are not concerned about teeth and never have been!

What I am about to tell you will sound fake, and sound like a conspiracy but it is pure truth and facts! Each of the writers here at Free Truth was shocked to learn the origins of Fluoridation of Drinking Water.

Water Fluoridation began with an idea in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. That idea was to find a way to control the population covertly. The German Company Interssen Gemeinschaft Farben or I.G. Farben was a chemical company in Germany during those years and was mainly known for supplying Germany with Chlorine Gas during World War I and other gases and Fluoride during World War II. (1)

In 1928 The United States Ambassador in Germany wrote back to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt with this shocking information:
“At the present moment, more than a hundred American corporations have subsidiaries here or cooperative understandings… The DuPonts have their allies in Germany that are aiding in the armament business. Their chief ally is the I.G. Farben Company, a part of the government which gives 200,000 marks a year to one propaganda organization operating on American opinion… Standard Oil Company ... sent US$500,000 a year helping Germans make ersatz [a substitute] gas [the hydrogenation process of converting coal to gasoline] for war purposes; but Standard Oil cannot take any of its earnings out of the country except in goods… The International Harvester Company president told me their business here rose 33% a year [arms manufacture, I believe], they could take nothing out. Even our airplanes people have secret arrangements with Krupps. General Motors Company and Ford do enormous business here through their subsidiaries and take no profits out.”  (1)
This historically accurate letter shows a link between American Corporations and Germany well before World War II and before America began to add Fluoride to drinking water. While all of these companies were doing business in Germany, I.G. Farben’s American Assets were controlled by a holding company consisting of  Presidents of Ford, Standard Oil, a Rockefeller, and numerous other International Bankers. There was a strong tie between business in America and Germany. Also it is an historical fact that not one I.G. Farben plant was bombed during World War II. I.G. Farben manufactured most of the lethal gasses that were used in concentration camps in Nazi Germany during World War II.

Some of these same I.G. Farben scientists creating  these Poisonous Gasses for the Nazi War efforts discovered in the 1930’s that Fluoride taken consistently will essentially prepare a person for mind control.
A letter titled “ Fluoridation and Lawlessness” was published by the Committee for Mental Health and National Security and sent to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in Milwaukee, WI USA on 2nd October, 1954. Charles Eliot Perkins a scientist and author from Washington D.C. wrote:
“We are told by the fanatical ideologists who are advocating the fluoridation of the water supplies in this country that their purpose is to reduce the incidence of tooth decay in children, and it is the plausibility of this excuse, plus the gullibility of the public and the cupidity of public officials that is responsible for the present spread of artificial water fluoridation in this country… However - and I want to make this very definite and positive - the real reason behind water fluoridation not to benefit children's teeth. If this were the real reason, there are many ways in which it could be done which are much easier, cheaper and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty ...  When the Nazis, under Hitler, decided to go into Poland ... the German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans and personnel and the scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the Russian Communists because it fitted ideally into their plan to communize the world ... I say this in all earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research into the chemistry, Bio-chemistry, physiology and pathology and pathology of fluorine: any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically.” (2)

Thursday 7 April 2011


Written By: Ghostwriter
When the United States Federal Govt. Shutdown last in 1995 severe cuts to services were felt across that country. A Shutdown means that the govt. can not agree on a budget and therefore has no means to support itself; thus it must shutdown to avoid further spending.

You may be thinking this is a good thing, a way for the Federal Govt. to save money. But that is not entirely the case.
During the 1995 Shutdown the following events occurred:
- The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stopped disease surveillance 
- Hundreds of Toxic Waste Clean-ups were halted
- 368 National Parks, Monuments, and Sites were shutdown
- Applications For Passports and Visas sat unprocessed for the duration of the Shutdown
- Health-care and Welfare Services for Military Veterans were cut back

What can US Citizens expect during this shutdown?:
1. 800,000+ Federal Workers will be furloughed
2. Almost Certainly The US CDC will suspend Disease Detection again
3. Toxic Waste Clean-Ups will halt - Like the ongoing Oil Clean-up in The Gulf of Mexico & other Areas
4. National Parks will Close
5. Passport, Visa, and Citizenship Applications will go Unprocessed
6. It is unknown yet but, Federal Radiation Detection Sites may close, which would be disastrous with the current amounts of Radiation crossing the Pacific from Japan
7. It has also been rumored that the Federal Govt. will suspend it's Social Security Payments, to retirees and the disabled - If you know anyone receiving these payments you should warn them of potential hard times ahead. (The US Social Security Administration has the authority to continue disbursing checks - although it it not known if they will continue to do so during this Shutdown)
8. US Federal Courts will continue to Operate for a few weeks after the shutdown - until they utilize all cash they have on-hand
9. The United States Military will continue to fight Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Libya. Although there is a chance US Military Personnel would not get paid during the Shutdown. Essentially making them Slave-Soldiers.
10. United States Border Patrol Services and Federal Law Enforcement will be cut back. Which many fear could lead to problems

While United States Citizens will not know for sure what will happen during this Shutdown until it actually happens; there is a strong possibility of every item on the list Free Truth has come up with. Please heed our warnings and anticipate actions you may need to take to limit effects to you and your loved ones.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Radioactive Cesium Deteced in Soil and Sea in Japan - Nulcear Meltdown Underway

 Written By: Ghostwriter
As the Fukushima Nuclear reactors have begun to meltdown, Nuclear authorities are now detecting Radioactive Cesium as far as 1 Kilometer away from the Nuclear Plant. During the meltdown process many radioactive Isotopes will be released into the environment. Cesium-137 is one of the most dangerous radioactive isotopes to be detected yet. Cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years, meaning it will continue to emit radiation for at least 30 years in the atmosphere. This Cesium has been found in both soil samples and sea-water samples. The spread of Cesium will have a terrible effect on sea-life and human-life in the surround areas and further, should it continue to spread.

Much of this radiation is going into the ocean which will affect all types of sea life, in a country who consumes an enormous quantity of sea-food. The Japanese will face numerous health hazards and cancers due to the continued release of radiation into the atmosphere. Even as the government continues to reassure them that everything is OK.

The United States will also face issues, just this week Fukushima radiation was detected in cow's milk in Washington State, and rain water in Massachusetts and the Carolinas. At last count Fukushima radiation had been detected in 15 American States.

It is urgent that everyone pay attention to radiation levels and begin to think about avoiding certain foods from the Pacific and Japan, and now milk from Washington State as well.

Use this site if you are in the United States: http://radiationnetwork.com/

Fighting Continues in Ivory Coast - 1 Million+ Have Fled The Country

 Written by: Rebel D
As the media over-saturates your mind with stories about Libya. Ivory Coast has been in unrest since elections in November. President Laurent Gbagbo has insisted that he in-fact won, and Ivory Coast's Constitutional Council stated that due to voter fraud it was apparent that Gbagbo did win the Election with 51% of the vote. Even with Ivory Coast's Constitutional Council announcing Gbagbo as the true winner, the International Community continues to call for him to step down, and let the Internationally recognized winner, Alassane Ouattara take control. We can never be sure in these instances who is the actual winner but in this case we must make a case for Gbagbo. Alassane Ouattara has been previously employed as an economist for the International Monetary Fund. We all know how internationalists treat Africa, taking resources from the people as the leaders become rich. We can view the International Community's actions in Ivory Coast as aggression as they are clearly trying to remove Gbagbo from power; using the same old tricks they've used when ousting any other leader in any other country.

A coup attempt in 2002 against Gbagbo failed, leading to a Civil War in Ivory Coast. Many suspect this was an American CIA plot, or Internationalist plot to remove Gbagbo from power, as these interests do from time to time. (See: Libya, Egypt, Iraq, etc.)

Through all of these event Gbagbo has managed to retain control of his country. Which is astonishing when you realize that the UN and International Community have been trying to get to him for over a decade now. That should make you realize that amongst all of the propaganda and lies, actual citizens of the Ivory Coast support Gbagbo and do not want Ouattara to take power. Unfortunately innocent civilians have gotten caught in the cross-fire, as the International Community continues to pressure Gbagbo to leave, Forces on both sides fight each other in the Streets. It has been estimated that 1 Million resident have fled Ivory Coast to escape the fighting. Since Ivory Coast's Constitutional Council has ruled Gbagbo the winner Free Truth believes that supporters of Ouattara should stand down and end the violence.

Keep your eyes and ears open here as the International Community tries to insert another puppet leader into an African Country.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Facebook Has De-Activated the Account Linked to Our Group Page

In another highly suspect move by social media. Facebook has de-activated the account we used to create our Facebook Group Page. The message we received alerted us that their security system did not believe I was who I said I was; and then promptly asked me to give them my Mobile Phone number or else SCAN A PICTURE OF MY GOVT. ID. While Facebook is a great way to stay in contact with people it does nothing for truth and freedom.

We at Free Truth are worried, Our Twitter came under attack 5 days after we started, and now the Facebook Profile 10 Days Later. Unless there is some sort of coincidence... Someone doesn't want us to get our information out. We will not back down, and can not be silenced. We have many outlets to share our information and have people in several countries working on other methods.

Any help anyone may have related to re-activating a Facebook Profile without sharing the info. mentioned above. Please email: freetruthblog@yahoo.co.uk

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Bilderberg Gourp Will Meet in Switzerland This Year

Written By Third Eye:

According to Sources, The Bilderberg Group will meet in Switzerland this year from the 9th of June to the 12th of June in the resort city of St. Moritz. The Bilderberg Group, for those who do not know, is the most elite club in the World. To be invited you must own a Multinational Bank, Multinational Company, or Be One of the Top in Command in a Country.

The Group is highly secretive, allowing no media to be present during or ask questions after the meetings. Many suspect that major decisions about the direction of the World, Decisions on Wars, and Other Highly Important Topics are Covered; though no attendee will ever reveal what is discussed at the Meetings every year. Attendees are sworn to secrecy, thus making informed citizens very worried as to why these discussions aren't taking place in the United Nations or some other Kind of Public Forum. Many believe the Bilderbergs are the leaders of the New World Order, hoping for a One World Government, One World Monetary System, and One World Religion.

Switzerland has hosted the Bilderberg Group four times since the group began meeting in 1954. Switzerland is also the center of International Banking which may point to Some of the Topics that will be covered this year. As is the usual, many members of the international media will set-up outside the secured perimeter of the meeting, waiting for a chance to speak to any of the members.

The United States can expect to see CEO's of Banks and Corporations, The Chairman of the Federal Reserve, as well as possibly Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Though not likely, Obama may make an appearance this year also. Keep your eyes open and Free Truth will surely have an update following these meetings, if we're still around. We will also attempt to publish a list of attendees. Stay Safe!

BBC Now being Funded by U.S. State Dept. - While PBS funding will be Cut

Written By Informant:

According to The Guardian in London, BBC World Service will receive an amount of money in the six figures (GBP), seven figures (USD) to "combat censorship of TV and Internet" In places like Iran and China. They claim the money will be used for anti-jamming equipment in those countries.

While that may be their prerogative, questions arise as to why the United States Government is funding The BBC a State-Owned Network of Great Britain. In all of our research we have not been able to find any previous examples of one country funding another country's State TV Network.

The conspiracy theorist in me would like to say: "The globalists run both of these countries, why are you surprised?" But you have to realize that this is an unprecedented move. This funding shows a link between the United States and Britain that some may be uncomfortable with. Eagerly handing money to the British, wasn't there a War about this issue in the past?

While the U.S. Government is threatening to cut funding to their own public television (PBS), they are sending over $One Million (USD) to Britain for the BBC.

After enough research this seems like just another imperialistic move by the United States to force their will on the people of other governments and cultures. There has to be a point in time when people stop trusting every move made by these Super-Powers and question the motive behind their actions. Please take some time to think about this one!

Saturday 19 March 2011

Our Twitter Has Been Suspended After Only 1 Week

Twitter has suspended our Account after only 1 week in operation. Must mean we are doing something right! There are only a handful of reasons Twitter will suspend an account and they have failed to furnish us with a reason or explanation for 2 days. The account is @FreeTruthBlog - Our assumption is that someone wants us silent, as we predicted might happen. But since there is no reason for Twitter to Suspend our account we hope to be back up and running in a day or two on twitter. 

Thanks, Free Truth Blog!

Breaking News: Egyptians Stone Mohamed ElBaradei.

Written By: Rebel D
In a stunning turn of events, Mohamed ElBaradei was attacked as he cast his ballot in Egypt’s votes today.  The Internationalist choice for Leader of Egypt had stones and shoes hurled at him as Egyptian Citizens shouted “We do not want you.” Initial reports state he was hit in the back with at least one stone and drenched with water. All of which are signs of complete dis-respect in Islamic culture. 

As a writer of Global Corruption I am impressed with the knowledge of the average Egyptian Citizen.  ElBaradei has not lived in Egypt in many years, and has a home in the United States. He has been a part of many International Organizations and “U.N.” groups. So when he says he has the best interests of Egypt at heart he is lying. His interests lay with oil and profiting for himself and his friends. 

In a normal instance ElBaradei would be the hand-picked puppet to replace Mubarak. He may already have won the election, but the voice of real Egyptians is clear, they do not want the Internationalist ElBaradei to rule them. 

We at Free Truth Blog wish the Egyptians the best of luck in this current situation.

Picture: http://gulfnews.com/polopoly_fs/mohamed-el-baradei-1.779498!image/1289306366.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_475/1289306366.jpg

The War With Libya, Just Part Of The Plan.

Written By: Rebel D
If you are a war profiteer, then all is good. If you make a profit from higher oil prices, or the sale of weaponry and military equipment then sit back and relax, you have nothing to worry about.
If you are like the other 99% of humanity who does not make a profit from war, then this article may be for you. It has long been rumored in certain circles that Muammar Qaddafi is an international puppet. Whenever a nice distraction is needed so people focus on that, instead of what is going on right in their own country, they give Qaddafi a call and tell him to start acting up. 

“Internationalists?” you ask. For those who do not know an Internationalist is a person who knows no boundaries, they are loyal to no one country, and have a personal interest in making a profit in some way or form, from multiple places at once. For example the “Internationalists” who run many major global banks and rake in huge profits any time there is a stock crash or currency problem.

These people many times also participate in war profiteering, they loan out money to govts., military companies, and more. The problem for them is that unless you have a major World War there is no way to keep incredible amounts of money flowing back to them. Unless you set-up smaller conflicts every once and a while. With the profit margins on the Iraq and Afghanistan Invasions seemingly decreasing (slightly) a new war or series of wars was in order. As many have assumed it is already in the playbook for Qaddafi to ignore call from the “U.N.” for a ceasefire. The “U.N.” is basically the Headquarters for all things Internationalist. So when told by their puppet masters that we need another war, the “U.N.” has no problem ordering a “No Fly Zone” and striking military targets in Libya. 

When Qaddafi reacts, and strikes his civilians or fights against “U.N.” forces do not be surprised. He plays the same role of many hand-picked puppet leaders to grace our World in the last 50 years. Whether it was the dictators hand-picked by the American CIA to brutalize Central American Countries, or the Regimes that have taken over in the Mid-East in the last 50 years, like Qaddafi. Many forget he is in power as the result of a military coup and some suspect hand-picked by the American Govt., and Internationalists. Now the time has come to move on from Qaddafi, the same as was just done in Egypt. Mubarak was useless to their plans, so the Internationalists send in the puppet named El-Baradei. Who luckily for us it seems the Egyptians realize he is a puppet as he was stoned and assaulted today.  

They will replace Qaddafi with another leader who seems to be an improvement on Qaddafi but there is no light and the end of the tunnel for the Libyan People. The next leader will not share his great oil profits with them; he will not make major improvements to Libyan life or society. Against my better knowledge I hope a true leader will arise in Libya but that in all likelihood that will not happen. I am not being negative but just speaking the truth, the sad truth.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Written By: Anonymous
If you are like a majority of people in developed countries you may be overweight. You have been lied to your entire life that you should trust whatever you eat because someone is regulating it. Well that is not entirely true. Foods are packed with chemicals, vaccines, and steroids (in mammals). Your body has a very hard time processing these ingredients which it views as poisons. So when you eat too much bad food and poisons, whatever your body can not process it turns into fat. And that fat is stored in all of those areas you’d like to keep fit.

I’ve been hearing a lot about Dairy-Free diets lately and then I received an email from “Paul” about his dairy free diet. In this email he described what happened when he went dairy free.
“Going Dairy-Free was not easy for me. You have to watch out for cheese and butter and milk. When you read the ingredients of food you would be surprised what things actually have milk in them. By me not eating milk products anymore, my body can easily process the other foods I eat. I have lost 15 pounds [6.8 kg] since I started my dairy-free lifestyle 3 months ago. And since I don’t eat milk products anymore it will be easier to keep the pounds off for good. I also started jogging and a bit a weight lifting which will help altogether.
Thanks, [Paul].”
When "Paul" mentioned his body would have an easier time processing other foods he was actually right. Over-consumption of dairy products like milks, Cheeses, Butters, and Ice Creams can cause the body to reach it’s limit on processing sugars. Yes, there are sugars that naturally occur in milk. Lactose is technically a sugar which when consumed is broken down into Galactose in the body. Since the body can only breakdown so much Lactose at one time. The excess is stored in fat reserves and builds up in the blood, which could eventually lead to cancers, diabetes, and other diseases. The same holds true for the Fat and Cholesterol found in milk. Your body can only process so much before it sends the fat and cholesterol to fat reserves and the blood stream.

By eating more natural things that your body processes easy like fruits and vegetables you are less likely to have processing back-ups which result in fats, sugars, and cholesterol being sent to the blood stream. Thus eventually your body will rely on current fat reserves for energy instead of unprocessed milk. Which will in the end cause you to lose weight.

I know what your saying now, “If I can’t eat ice cream I’d rather stay overweight.” Well you can still eat ice cream. You can still consume dairy products, but do it in moderation. There are also many great alternative products to dairy which maintain flavors very close to those of real dairy products:
Rice Milk can substitute Cow’s Milk (Avoid Soy… that’s another article for another day).
Oil Spreads can substitute Butter and are low in fat and high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids which are great for the body.
Diary Free Bread can substitute Bread with Diary (check the ingredients, many breads contain milk)
Coconut or Rice Milk Ice Creams can replace Regular Ice Cream (To verify this I bought a Rice Milk Butter Pecan Ice Cream and I couldn’t tell the difference, I was fairly surprised).
Cook With Olive Oil instead of Butter. Olive Oil is much healthier for you anyways.

Those are just a few tips you can do to reduce your intake of dairy and lose weight. If you are concerned about losing calcium, find a calcium supplement, don’t make your body suffer just to get calcium from cow’s milk.

Another sad reality in today’s food supply is the fact that these poor cows are in most cases jammed full of steroids and hormones to make them grow faster. Unfortunately for us these cow hormones and steroids are passed right into the cow’s milk. So when you drink a glass of non-organic milk you are in most cases drinking cow steroids and hormones; which have very adverse effects on humans like early development in children and cancers in the long-term. These steroids and hormones, in most non-biased experts opinions, would also contribute to weight gain.

So now that you know what milk contains and what it does once it is inside the body you can see how it would contribute to weight gain  in humans. If you have been losing the battle with your weight give the dairy-free diet a try. You’ll increase your overall health and lose weight if you stick to it. Remember to read ingredients on everything you consume, so you can see if they contain Dairy. Add in a little bit of exercise and you’ll be looking much better in no time at all.

(E-mailer's Identity was hidden)
(1.) http://www.diatrofologos.eu/images/public/pdf/nutrition_articles/Cow%27s_milk_is_for_baby_cows.pdf

Picture 1: http://www.conspirist.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/milk-bottle.jpg  Picture 2: http://dc-cdn.virtacore.com/2010/08/Syringe-with-hypodermic-n-001.jpg   Picture 3:  http://www.gfreefoodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/dairy_free2.png


Written By Anonymous:
Cash For Gold is a scam. The reason your local jewelry store, coin dealer, and that huge corporation on television want to pay you for your Gold is because Gold is projected by many to reach £1,200 (~$2,000 USD) per ounce by years end (2011). Even some lofty projections see Gold touching £3,000 (~$5,000 USD) in the next couple of years. Gold is also seen as a more stable investment than the stock market.

What does that mean? It means that those extra Gold rings or necklaces you have laying around will be worth A LOT MORE than what you paid for them in the next couple of years. And CERTAINLY WORTH MORE than what these Cash for Gold companies are offering to pay you. Many times these companies are offering well below (10% to 20%) of what the Gold is actually worth!

www.Kitco.com is a great site that disaplays live prices on Gold, Silver, Platinum and other precious metals.
http://www.kitco.com/market/bp_charts.html (Live Prices in Pound Sterling)
http://www.kitco.com/market/ (Live Prices in United States Dollar [USD] )

Silver is also on pace, in many experts opinions to reach £30 to £60 ($50 to $100 USD) per ounce this year, and higher in the next five years. Also Platinum is trading at record highs currently.

It is our advice to you to hang on to your Gold, Silver, Platinum and other Precious Metals. These commodities are projected much stronger than most currencies in the World like the USD which many predict could collapse in the next few years. Please alert family members and friends that Gold is rising at a fast pace, and is WORTH MUCH MORE than what they could get by selling it to a jeweler or Cash For Gold shark. If you really need the money try to sell the Gold, Silver, or Platinum on the private market to an individual buyer through a classified ad or internet site. You will get what it's worth there!

Thank You, and hang on to your Precious Metals.

 (Legal Disclaimer: We Do not claim to be financial experts, we are just bringing the info to you, please use your best judgment in all aspects of your finances.)

Site Under Conctruction - More Articles Coming Soon....

More to come... A scathing article on poisonous sugars will be coming in the next few days... stay tuned.

Potassium Iodide: Protect Yourself from a Nuclear Disaster, Frequent Air Travel, and More.

 Written By: Ghostwriter
With the pending Nuclear Disaster in Japan we thought it would be most diligent to begin our blog with an article on Potassium Iodide (KI). This compound is not just useful during nuclear disasters though, if you fly a considerable amount, you may also want to consider Potassium Iodide (KI). Anyone near Japan or around the West Coast of the United States should pay close attention to this advice.

What is it:
Potassium Iodide (KI) is a naturally occurring crystalline substance. Many times the Iodized table salt in your home is Iodized with Potassium Iodide though at very low amounts.

What does it do:
Potassium Iodide (KI) when ingested in tablet form can protect the Thyroid from Radioactive Iodine. One of the most common results of a Nuclear Disaster is the release of Ionizing Radiation that was being used to generate power. Ionizing Radiation can, upon interacting with an atom, cause that atom to lose an electron or break apart it’s nucleus.(2) Ionizing Radiation is some of the same Radiation used in chemo-therapy when treating cancer patients. When released in high amounts, as found in nuclear power plants, the Radiation can be highly lethal as well as cause many cancers, especially thyroid cancer. As you can see in Picture 1 the person on the left ingested no (KI) and was not protected from Radiation, the person on the left did ingest (KI) and was protected. Picture 2 is a human Thyroid.

Other Instances of Radiation (Air Travel):
For those of you who may travel via air frequently for business or pleasure, you may want to consider the fact that airplanes and their passengers are exposed to Ionizing Radiation and Cosmic Radiation.The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in 1994 admitted:
“Air carrier crewmembers are occupationally exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation from cosmic radiation […]” (1).
Ionizing Radiation is generally caused by  the Sun and / or supernovae. In 2003 the FAA makes another recommendation:
"For both of these groups [air personnel], exposure to ionizing radiation also leads to a risk of genetic defects in future generations. The FAA recommends limits for aircrews in their occupational exposure to ionizing radiation […]” (2). 
The FAA also says that when it comes to flying you should:
“Fly short flights at low latitudes. Short flights are fl own at lower altitudes than long-distance flights, hence there is more radiation shielding during short flights because of the greater amount of air above the aircraft.” (2)
Ionizing Radiation is measured in Sieverts. 1 Sievert = 1000 Millisieverts and 1 Millisiervert = 1000 microsieverts. (2)
“The FAA recommended limit for an aircrew member is a 5-year average effective dose of 20 millisieverts per year, with no more than 50 millisieverts in a single year.
For a pregnant aircrew member starting when she reports her pregnancy to management, the recommended limit for the conceptus is an equivalent dose of 1 millisievert, with no more than 0.5 millisievert in any month.”
The FAA graphs for Flight Time and Radiation Exposure can be found in this PDF, on pages 9 & 10: (2) http://www.faa.gov/library/reports/medical/oamtechreports/2000s/media/0316.pdf

So for example, if you made trips from New York to London twice per month for a full year you would be just under 1 millisiervert of Radiation on average. Having experienced just  2 millisierverts of Radiation in a lifetime can bring your chances of cancer to 1 in 13000 (2nd). So imagine what a life time of high-altitude flying can do to pilots, flight attendants, and frequent fliers. Potassium Iodide (KI) will decrease these individuals lifetime risk of thyroid cancer if they take a tablet on a regular basis.

United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommendations are as follows: (3)

Pregnant Women should use caution according to the US FDA:
“Pregnant women should be given KI for their own protection and for that of the fetus, as iodine (whether stable or radioactive) readily crosses the placenta. However, because of the risk of blocking fetal thyroid function with excess stable iodine, repeat dosing with KI of pregnant women should be avoided. Lactating females should be administered KI for their own protection, as for other young adults, and potentially to reduce the radioiodine content of the breast milk, but not as a means to deliver KI to infants, who should get their KI directly. As for direct administration of KI, stable iodine as a component of breast milk may also pose a risk of hypothyroidism in nursing neonates. Therefore, repeat dosing with KI should be avoided in the lactating mother, except during continuing severe contamination.” (3rd)
Potassium Iodide (KI) does not help to prevent cancer in any other areas besides the Thyroid, but is highly effective in protecting the Thyroid from Radiation and therefore should be used when exposed to Ionizing Radiation. Potassium Iodide (KI) can cause a couple of side effects including: swelling of the Parotid Gland (one of the three glands which secrete saliva), due to its stimulatory effects on saliva production (4), acne, loss of appetite, or upset stomach. Over dosages can cause fever, weakness, rash or  metallic taste in mouth. These side effects are rare but you should weigh the risks of radiation exposure against these side effects. (5)

Potassium Iodide (KI) can be extremely useful when encountered with Ionizing Radiation, like that from Nuclear Disasters. It can also be useful if your employment or personal habits bring you in contact with Ionizing Radiation. A simple search on your favourite search engine can yield you with suppliers of Potassium Iodide (KI) which generally costs between  £10 and £20 ($15 - $30 USD) for 200 tablets. Please use your best judgment when considering use of  Potassium Iodide (KI) and do more research before taking our advice. Good Luck!

(1.) http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/aeromedical/media/ac120-61.pdf
(2.) http://www.faa.gov/library/reports/medical/oamtechreports/2000s/media/0316.pdf
(3.) http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM080542.pdf
(4.) McCance; Huether. "Pathophysiology: The biological basis for disease in Adults and Children". 5th Edition. Elsievier Publishing  ( 5.) http://www.medicinenet.com/potassium_iodide-oral/article.htm

Images: (1). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_iodide  (2). http://women.webmd.com/picture-of-the-thyroid

(Legal Disclaimer: We assume no responsibility for any injuries related to this article. We are simply bringing you the information it is up to you how you use it.)

Monday 14 March 2011

WeFreeTruth.Blogspot.Com - FreeTruthBlog

WeFreeTruth.Blogspot.Com was started by 5 individuals from around the globe. The originator was Ghostwriter; he then brought in Anonymous, Informant, Rebel D, and Third Eye. These 5 writers scour the planet to bring you the unadulterated truth. We aim to set the truth free from those whom may not want you to know what is happening in the world around you. We believe that the truth should be free, and any and all seekers of knowledge should be able to find the truth they pursue, in any and all forms. We want to inform the masses of the problems, injustices, and cover ups in this World. As well as help you live a free and healthy life while being aware of your surroundings. Please excuse the names but there are people in this world who would like to silence us. Enjoy and remember, don't trust what we say, verify what we present with your own research to become fully informed. - Ghostwriter