
-- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free -- -- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free. -- --

Thursday 7 April 2011


Written By: Ghostwriter
When the United States Federal Govt. Shutdown last in 1995 severe cuts to services were felt across that country. A Shutdown means that the govt. can not agree on a budget and therefore has no means to support itself; thus it must shutdown to avoid further spending.

You may be thinking this is a good thing, a way for the Federal Govt. to save money. But that is not entirely the case.
During the 1995 Shutdown the following events occurred:
- The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stopped disease surveillance 
- Hundreds of Toxic Waste Clean-ups were halted
- 368 National Parks, Monuments, and Sites were shutdown
- Applications For Passports and Visas sat unprocessed for the duration of the Shutdown
- Health-care and Welfare Services for Military Veterans were cut back

What can US Citizens expect during this shutdown?:
1. 800,000+ Federal Workers will be furloughed
2. Almost Certainly The US CDC will suspend Disease Detection again
3. Toxic Waste Clean-Ups will halt - Like the ongoing Oil Clean-up in The Gulf of Mexico & other Areas
4. National Parks will Close
5. Passport, Visa, and Citizenship Applications will go Unprocessed
6. It is unknown yet but, Federal Radiation Detection Sites may close, which would be disastrous with the current amounts of Radiation crossing the Pacific from Japan
7. It has also been rumored that the Federal Govt. will suspend it's Social Security Payments, to retirees and the disabled - If you know anyone receiving these payments you should warn them of potential hard times ahead. (The US Social Security Administration has the authority to continue disbursing checks - although it it not known if they will continue to do so during this Shutdown)
8. US Federal Courts will continue to Operate for a few weeks after the shutdown - until they utilize all cash they have on-hand
9. The United States Military will continue to fight Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Libya. Although there is a chance US Military Personnel would not get paid during the Shutdown. Essentially making them Slave-Soldiers.
10. United States Border Patrol Services and Federal Law Enforcement will be cut back. Which many fear could lead to problems

While United States Citizens will not know for sure what will happen during this Shutdown until it actually happens; there is a strong possibility of every item on the list Free Truth has come up with. Please heed our warnings and anticipate actions you may need to take to limit effects to you and your loved ones.

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