
-- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free -- -- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free. -- --

Tuesday 22 March 2011

BBC Now being Funded by U.S. State Dept. - While PBS funding will be Cut

Written By Informant:

According to The Guardian in London, BBC World Service will receive an amount of money in the six figures (GBP), seven figures (USD) to "combat censorship of TV and Internet" In places like Iran and China. They claim the money will be used for anti-jamming equipment in those countries.

While that may be their prerogative, questions arise as to why the United States Government is funding The BBC a State-Owned Network of Great Britain. In all of our research we have not been able to find any previous examples of one country funding another country's State TV Network.

The conspiracy theorist in me would like to say: "The globalists run both of these countries, why are you surprised?" But you have to realize that this is an unprecedented move. This funding shows a link between the United States and Britain that some may be uncomfortable with. Eagerly handing money to the British, wasn't there a War about this issue in the past?

While the U.S. Government is threatening to cut funding to their own public television (PBS), they are sending over $One Million (USD) to Britain for the BBC.

After enough research this seems like just another imperialistic move by the United States to force their will on the people of other governments and cultures. There has to be a point in time when people stop trusting every move made by these Super-Powers and question the motive behind their actions. Please take some time to think about this one!

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