
-- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free -- -- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free. -- --

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Written By: Anonymous
If you are like a majority of people in developed countries you may be overweight. You have been lied to your entire life that you should trust whatever you eat because someone is regulating it. Well that is not entirely true. Foods are packed with chemicals, vaccines, and steroids (in mammals). Your body has a very hard time processing these ingredients which it views as poisons. So when you eat too much bad food and poisons, whatever your body can not process it turns into fat. And that fat is stored in all of those areas you’d like to keep fit.

I’ve been hearing a lot about Dairy-Free diets lately and then I received an email from “Paul” about his dairy free diet. In this email he described what happened when he went dairy free.
“Going Dairy-Free was not easy for me. You have to watch out for cheese and butter and milk. When you read the ingredients of food you would be surprised what things actually have milk in them. By me not eating milk products anymore, my body can easily process the other foods I eat. I have lost 15 pounds [6.8 kg] since I started my dairy-free lifestyle 3 months ago. And since I don’t eat milk products anymore it will be easier to keep the pounds off for good. I also started jogging and a bit a weight lifting which will help altogether.
Thanks, [Paul].”
When "Paul" mentioned his body would have an easier time processing other foods he was actually right. Over-consumption of dairy products like milks, Cheeses, Butters, and Ice Creams can cause the body to reach it’s limit on processing sugars. Yes, there are sugars that naturally occur in milk. Lactose is technically a sugar which when consumed is broken down into Galactose in the body. Since the body can only breakdown so much Lactose at one time. The excess is stored in fat reserves and builds up in the blood, which could eventually lead to cancers, diabetes, and other diseases. The same holds true for the Fat and Cholesterol found in milk. Your body can only process so much before it sends the fat and cholesterol to fat reserves and the blood stream.

By eating more natural things that your body processes easy like fruits and vegetables you are less likely to have processing back-ups which result in fats, sugars, and cholesterol being sent to the blood stream. Thus eventually your body will rely on current fat reserves for energy instead of unprocessed milk. Which will in the end cause you to lose weight.

I know what your saying now, “If I can’t eat ice cream I’d rather stay overweight.” Well you can still eat ice cream. You can still consume dairy products, but do it in moderation. There are also many great alternative products to dairy which maintain flavors very close to those of real dairy products:
Rice Milk can substitute Cow’s Milk (Avoid Soy… that’s another article for another day).
Oil Spreads can substitute Butter and are low in fat and high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids which are great for the body.
Diary Free Bread can substitute Bread with Diary (check the ingredients, many breads contain milk)
Coconut or Rice Milk Ice Creams can replace Regular Ice Cream (To verify this I bought a Rice Milk Butter Pecan Ice Cream and I couldn’t tell the difference, I was fairly surprised).
Cook With Olive Oil instead of Butter. Olive Oil is much healthier for you anyways.

Those are just a few tips you can do to reduce your intake of dairy and lose weight. If you are concerned about losing calcium, find a calcium supplement, don’t make your body suffer just to get calcium from cow’s milk.

Another sad reality in today’s food supply is the fact that these poor cows are in most cases jammed full of steroids and hormones to make them grow faster. Unfortunately for us these cow hormones and steroids are passed right into the cow’s milk. So when you drink a glass of non-organic milk you are in most cases drinking cow steroids and hormones; which have very adverse effects on humans like early development in children and cancers in the long-term. These steroids and hormones, in most non-biased experts opinions, would also contribute to weight gain.

So now that you know what milk contains and what it does once it is inside the body you can see how it would contribute to weight gain  in humans. If you have been losing the battle with your weight give the dairy-free diet a try. You’ll increase your overall health and lose weight if you stick to it. Remember to read ingredients on everything you consume, so you can see if they contain Dairy. Add in a little bit of exercise and you’ll be looking much better in no time at all.

(E-mailer's Identity was hidden)
(1.) http://www.diatrofologos.eu/images/public/pdf/nutrition_articles/Cow%27s_milk_is_for_baby_cows.pdf

Picture 1: http://www.conspirist.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/milk-bottle.jpg  Picture 2: http://dc-cdn.virtacore.com/2010/08/Syringe-with-hypodermic-n-001.jpg   Picture 3:  http://www.gfreefoodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/dairy_free2.png

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