
-- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free -- -- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free. -- --

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Bilderberg Gourp Will Meet in Switzerland This Year

Written By Third Eye:

According to Sources, The Bilderberg Group will meet in Switzerland this year from the 9th of June to the 12th of June in the resort city of St. Moritz. The Bilderberg Group, for those who do not know, is the most elite club in the World. To be invited you must own a Multinational Bank, Multinational Company, or Be One of the Top in Command in a Country.

The Group is highly secretive, allowing no media to be present during or ask questions after the meetings. Many suspect that major decisions about the direction of the World, Decisions on Wars, and Other Highly Important Topics are Covered; though no attendee will ever reveal what is discussed at the Meetings every year. Attendees are sworn to secrecy, thus making informed citizens very worried as to why these discussions aren't taking place in the United Nations or some other Kind of Public Forum. Many believe the Bilderbergs are the leaders of the New World Order, hoping for a One World Government, One World Monetary System, and One World Religion.

Switzerland has hosted the Bilderberg Group four times since the group began meeting in 1954. Switzerland is also the center of International Banking which may point to Some of the Topics that will be covered this year. As is the usual, many members of the international media will set-up outside the secured perimeter of the meeting, waiting for a chance to speak to any of the members.

The United States can expect to see CEO's of Banks and Corporations, The Chairman of the Federal Reserve, as well as possibly Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Though not likely, Obama may make an appearance this year also. Keep your eyes open and Free Truth will surely have an update following these meetings, if we're still around. We will also attempt to publish a list of attendees. Stay Safe!

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