
-- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free -- -- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free. -- --

Saturday 2 April 2011

Fighting Continues in Ivory Coast - 1 Million+ Have Fled The Country

 Written by: Rebel D
As the media over-saturates your mind with stories about Libya. Ivory Coast has been in unrest since elections in November. President Laurent Gbagbo has insisted that he in-fact won, and Ivory Coast's Constitutional Council stated that due to voter fraud it was apparent that Gbagbo did win the Election with 51% of the vote. Even with Ivory Coast's Constitutional Council announcing Gbagbo as the true winner, the International Community continues to call for him to step down, and let the Internationally recognized winner, Alassane Ouattara take control. We can never be sure in these instances who is the actual winner but in this case we must make a case for Gbagbo. Alassane Ouattara has been previously employed as an economist for the International Monetary Fund. We all know how internationalists treat Africa, taking resources from the people as the leaders become rich. We can view the International Community's actions in Ivory Coast as aggression as they are clearly trying to remove Gbagbo from power; using the same old tricks they've used when ousting any other leader in any other country.

A coup attempt in 2002 against Gbagbo failed, leading to a Civil War in Ivory Coast. Many suspect this was an American CIA plot, or Internationalist plot to remove Gbagbo from power, as these interests do from time to time. (See: Libya, Egypt, Iraq, etc.)

Through all of these event Gbagbo has managed to retain control of his country. Which is astonishing when you realize that the UN and International Community have been trying to get to him for over a decade now. That should make you realize that amongst all of the propaganda and lies, actual citizens of the Ivory Coast support Gbagbo and do not want Ouattara to take power. Unfortunately innocent civilians have gotten caught in the cross-fire, as the International Community continues to pressure Gbagbo to leave, Forces on both sides fight each other in the Streets. It has been estimated that 1 Million resident have fled Ivory Coast to escape the fighting. Since Ivory Coast's Constitutional Council has ruled Gbagbo the winner Free Truth believes that supporters of Ouattara should stand down and end the violence.

Keep your eyes and ears open here as the International Community tries to insert another puppet leader into an African Country.

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