
-- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free -- -- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free. -- --

Saturday 19 March 2011

The War With Libya, Just Part Of The Plan.

Written By: Rebel D
If you are a war profiteer, then all is good. If you make a profit from higher oil prices, or the sale of weaponry and military equipment then sit back and relax, you have nothing to worry about.
If you are like the other 99% of humanity who does not make a profit from war, then this article may be for you. It has long been rumored in certain circles that Muammar Qaddafi is an international puppet. Whenever a nice distraction is needed so people focus on that, instead of what is going on right in their own country, they give Qaddafi a call and tell him to start acting up. 

“Internationalists?” you ask. For those who do not know an Internationalist is a person who knows no boundaries, they are loyal to no one country, and have a personal interest in making a profit in some way or form, from multiple places at once. For example the “Internationalists” who run many major global banks and rake in huge profits any time there is a stock crash or currency problem.

These people many times also participate in war profiteering, they loan out money to govts., military companies, and more. The problem for them is that unless you have a major World War there is no way to keep incredible amounts of money flowing back to them. Unless you set-up smaller conflicts every once and a while. With the profit margins on the Iraq and Afghanistan Invasions seemingly decreasing (slightly) a new war or series of wars was in order. As many have assumed it is already in the playbook for Qaddafi to ignore call from the “U.N.” for a ceasefire. The “U.N.” is basically the Headquarters for all things Internationalist. So when told by their puppet masters that we need another war, the “U.N.” has no problem ordering a “No Fly Zone” and striking military targets in Libya. 

When Qaddafi reacts, and strikes his civilians or fights against “U.N.” forces do not be surprised. He plays the same role of many hand-picked puppet leaders to grace our World in the last 50 years. Whether it was the dictators hand-picked by the American CIA to brutalize Central American Countries, or the Regimes that have taken over in the Mid-East in the last 50 years, like Qaddafi. Many forget he is in power as the result of a military coup and some suspect hand-picked by the American Govt., and Internationalists. Now the time has come to move on from Qaddafi, the same as was just done in Egypt. Mubarak was useless to their plans, so the Internationalists send in the puppet named El-Baradei. Who luckily for us it seems the Egyptians realize he is a puppet as he was stoned and assaulted today.  

They will replace Qaddafi with another leader who seems to be an improvement on Qaddafi but there is no light and the end of the tunnel for the Libyan People. The next leader will not share his great oil profits with them; he will not make major improvements to Libyan life or society. Against my better knowledge I hope a true leader will arise in Libya but that in all likelihood that will not happen. I am not being negative but just speaking the truth, the sad truth.

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