
-- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free -- -- -- We shall set Free, the Truth; and the Truth shall set you Free. -- --

Saturday 19 March 2011

Breaking News: Egyptians Stone Mohamed ElBaradei.

Written By: Rebel D
In a stunning turn of events, Mohamed ElBaradei was attacked as he cast his ballot in Egypt’s votes today.  The Internationalist choice for Leader of Egypt had stones and shoes hurled at him as Egyptian Citizens shouted “We do not want you.” Initial reports state he was hit in the back with at least one stone and drenched with water. All of which are signs of complete dis-respect in Islamic culture. 

As a writer of Global Corruption I am impressed with the knowledge of the average Egyptian Citizen.  ElBaradei has not lived in Egypt in many years, and has a home in the United States. He has been a part of many International Organizations and “U.N.” groups. So when he says he has the best interests of Egypt at heart he is lying. His interests lay with oil and profiting for himself and his friends. 

In a normal instance ElBaradei would be the hand-picked puppet to replace Mubarak. He may already have won the election, but the voice of real Egyptians is clear, they do not want the Internationalist ElBaradei to rule them. 

We at Free Truth Blog wish the Egyptians the best of luck in this current situation.

Picture: http://gulfnews.com/polopoly_fs/mohamed-el-baradei-1.779498!image/1289306366.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_475/1289306366.jpg

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